Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thank you!

Henry had physical therapy with Dafni today. Henry was falling asleep in the van on the way, so he was not thrilled to be working out! We did get an opportunity to tilt his chair all the way back. He seems to be quite comfy in the chair when it's inclined all the way. He rested well while we were waiting for Dafni. We were in the small gym. There is a mat on a hydraulic system. It's like th blue mats from gym class, but in a system that moves up and down to accommodate special needs.
We always have a goal, when working with Henry and his stretching. Currently we are flexing his hips, helping him learn to use muscles for transition between laying, sitting, and eventual standing. He's doing well, and we see improvement. It's frightening sometimes, to have hope that he'll walk. But I keep taking him to physical therapy, now for preventative measures. It seems less dangerous to stave off the need for surgery than to have hope for him being able to walk.
The insurance finally accepted our request for Pediasure. We spoke with the distribution company and should be receiving a months supply within the week. What a relief!

Henry's sleeping right now. He had a restless night, and a busy afternoon. Today during his PT I noticed white trying to pop through some swollen and red gums. He's getting an eye tooth! Poor kidlet! Those are the worst!

In other blogging news, I read a blog today about a mom and a dad at odds over feeding their toddler. Bird on the Street. It gave me a chuckle and a little pain. Sometimes we forget how we suffered and struggled. I hope that as things get easier with Henry, and as we become more accustomed to his needs, we don't complain, and that we remember how tough it was. I don't want to take our great fortune for granted. We have a son, we have wonderful clinicians, friends and family, we have healthy and thriving children... we have love and simple pleasures.
Imagine how difficult life might be for us, if we lived in a rural area, or that we didn't have such amazing health coverage.

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